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A few days ago Ian Clemens wrote in his blog a post identifying Geo-Spatial as a means to an end, and not the end itself.  This is an important distinction.

It is easy for me to say that mapping, Geo-Spatial, GIS, Cartography, all of that, is my professional focus and the result of my work.  I am passionate about it, it is what my degrees are in, it is something to which I have dedicated much of my allotted time on this earth studying…but I would be wrong. 

Really, what my goal is, what the goal of anyone who makes or uses anything Geo-Spatial is understanding.  I want to tell a story, show the truth, gain and give insight.  Geo-Spatial, or Space/Time visualizations happen to be a superb tool (admittedly, my favorite tool; a supertool).  The mastery of Geo-Spatial, and any other means of communication is a path to the goal of understanding.  Understanding is the goal; Geo-Spatial is a means.


John Nelson / IDV Solutions / john.nelson@idvsolutions.com


2 responses

  1. Unknown

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